.Com Unstuck! Gobbledybooks.com is now a thing!!

.Com Unstuck! Gobbledybooks.com is now a thing!!

Excuse the awful pun, but I had to share our big web name news this morning.

We’ve finally been able to purchase Gobbledybooks.com (which handily now redirects you to Gobbledybooks.co.uk). I can’t quite believe how excited I am about this really. I’ve been trying to buy our .com ever since we started planning the site at the start of the year. I’ve been religiously checking for it every week, but I always .com up against a brick wall.

Until this morning that is!!



Now I need to work whether to drop all my existing Google metrics and start from scratch with the new .com domain, redirecting traffic from .co.uk or should I keep the current redirect from .com, with the .co.uk as the default web address?

Anybody know?

Anyhow, this has made my day. .Com-On!

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