Q&A Schools

Q&A - Parents and Schools
Below sets out most of the common queries you could expect, but you can contact us on the email address below if you have anything else you would like some help with.
Who are you?
Gobbledy Books is an independent children’s bookshop, founded from a wholesale business with over 25 years experience in the book trade. All of our new books are just £2.50, whatever the retail price. Our large range of popular titles covers everything from popular picture books, chapter books, non-fiction, study guides and more.
Where do I buy the books?
For our School Visit Fairs, a large range of titles will be available to buy on the day of the fair, all at £2.50 each! Cash and card payments are accepted. For the Virtual Fairs you’ll need to visit Gobbledybooks.co.uk and make your selections. Remember you have the whole week to make your book purchases. You can make as many online book orders in the week as you like, you’ll still get free postage.
ONLINE FAIRS ONLY - I’m putting in the special code at the checkout, but my FREE POSTAGE isn’t showing.
This is most likely because the code has been entered incorrectly or the wrong code is being used. Check the fair details sent from the school, where you will see the code to enter and further instructions on how to enter the information at the checkout.
Do I have to buy 5 books to get a free one for my school?
No you don’t, they all count. Every £2.50 book sold will be recorded during the fair and amount of free books will be calculated from the final total figure. You can buy 1 book or 100 books - every book bought helps the school. The more books everyone buys, the more free books we will donate.
What if there is a problem with my order?
If there is a problem with your child’s order, call or email Mark, the Book Fair Co-ordinator on mark@gobbledybooks.co.uk and he’ll try and resolve the issue for you.
Q&A - Schools Only
What kind of book fair is best suited to my school?
If really depends on you. Look through both the information packs and decide which one would work best. For our School Visit Fairs you’ll need to have a free space in the school to hold the fair. For our Virtual Book Fairs, all the buying is done remotely and the books are sent at the end.
Can staff buy books at your Virtual Book Fair?
Yes of course, if you have booked a School Visit Fair then you are welcome to buy books along with the pupils on the day of the fair.
For the Virtual Fairs you’ll need to enter your name and role at the school and also enter the school’s postcode at the checkout for the free postage (just like the parents) and we’ll send your books to the school with your name on, along with the children’s orders.
Does it cost anything to run a book fair?
Our book fairs are completely free, whether you decide on a School Visit Fair or a Virtual Fair.
When can I hold our Fair?
Anytime you like! the date is not already booked in our diary. Our School Visit Fairs last a whole day or part of a day, depending on size of the school. Our Virtual Book Fairs are held for 7 days, so everyone has the weekend to browse and buy.
We were looking for some specific titles for the school that are not on your website.
Not to worry, we have 1000s more books not on our website. We have titles grouped by Book Band, Colour Band and Reading Level for instance, to complement your own school’s Reading Scheme. Drop us a line and we’ll see if we can help.